On our blog, Protection Concepts shares many tips on preventing home burglaries.   I thought you would benefit from tips from the insurance industry on ways to prevent home burglaries. Here’s a short article I found from the insurance perspective on how to prevent home burglaries.

Taking steps to prevent theft can reduce your insurance premiums and save you from the heartbreak of losing items that are worth more to you than money. The ring that your grandmother gave you, your great-grandfather’s watch, the charm bracelet that all of your children saved to buy as a Mother’s Day gift, or a special item that you bought on your honeymoon can’t be replaced if they are stolen.

Preventing Home Burglaries.

Invest in solid doors and good quality locks on doors and windows. This includes on all sliding glass doors as well. Make it not only difficult but also time consuming for a burglar to gain entry.

Whenever you go outside, lock the door and take the key with you, even if you are just stepping next door or out mowing the back yard.

Don’t put valuables where they can be seen from the window, especially items that can be easily carried.

Be sure your garage door can be secured. Do not leave it open when you are away; an empty garage broadcasts your absence.

When you aren’t home, use a timer set to turn interior lights on and off at varying intervals as though your home was still occupied.

Don’t keep large amounts of cash or really valuable jewelry around the house.

If someone comes to your door asking to use the telephone, make the call yourself. Don’t invite them in.

Don’t hide a spare key under the door mat or under a flower pot. Thieves know all the good hiding places

Plant thorny bushes under all windows. Trim back any trees or shrubs near doors and windows to eliminate hiding places for would-be thieves.

Don’t leave ladders outside. Keep any tools that could be used to break in your home safely locked away in a garage or shed.

Get a barking dog or “beware of dog” signs. If you own a dog and go out of town, have someone come in and care for your dog in your home

Always double check doors at night and lock all windows

Engrave all valuables such as stereos, microwaves, video cameras, with your driver’s license number. (Engraving tools are usually available through your local law enforcement agency.) Videotape the contents of your home. Keep the video and the list of all valuables in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box


Your are concerned about home burglaries.  Your insurance company is concerned about preventing home burglaries.  Protection Concepts is concerned about preventing home burglaries. Call us to see the tools we can provide you to prevent a home burglary happening to your home.