Everyone loves summer time. Summer time also has its own unique home security challenges. We love to leave windows and doors open to enjoy the fresh air. Children play outside going back and forth into the house. Our garages are left open as we use the tools to make our landscape attractive. We may take a summer’s vacation leaving our home unoccupied for an extended period of time.
Summer has more home burglaries than any other time of year. Without making your home a summer prison, how can you enjoy summer and still keep your home secure? Here are some tips you can use.
Summer Home Security Tips
- Make sure your doors and windows are locked even if you leave your home for a short period. I know this is a pain. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!
- Make a special effort to secure your sliding glass doors. These doors are often overlooked. Use a Johnson bar to secure the door from outside entries.
- Keep the bushes and shrubs around your home trim and neat to prevent a hiding place for burglars.
- If you are going to be gone on vacation, don’t let your house look like it is unoccupied. Stop your mail and paper deliveries. Have someone cut your grass if you are going to be gone longer than a week. Give a trusted neighbor a key so they can regularly check on the inside of your home.
- Speaking of neighbors, you will see more of them during the summer months. Don’t be afraid of having a neighborhood discussion about reporting suspicious people in the neighborhood.
- Don’t open your front door to strangers. Make sure your children know this rule.
- Don’t leave bikes and tools and toys in your yard over night.
- While there is plenty of sunlight in the summer, having bright lights near your front door and walkways is still a good security measure.
You want to enjoy the benefits of the summer without the additional risks that come with the summer months. Use the above tips to keep your home more secure during the summer months.