Protection Concepts is in the business of providing home and commercial security. We also recognize that neighborhoods play an essential role in make our world a safer place. That is why Protection Concepts is such a strong supporter of National Night Out Atlanta.
National Night Out Atlanta will be on Tuesday evening, August 5th.
The focus of National Night Out is on bringing neighbors and communities together, with festivals, block parties, cookouts, parades, and other similar events as common ways for communities to come together to promote safer communities. These local meetings bring together police, emergency personnel and other crime prevention programs with local neighborhoods for the purpose of strengthening the local neighborhood and fighting crime.
National Night Out was initiated in 1984. This year it will involve over 37.8 million people and 16,124 communities from all fifty states, U.S. Territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide. It is one way to send a message to the bad guys letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
According to Matt Peskin, the director of National Associations of Town Watches, “ It’s a wonderful opportunity for communities nationwide to promote police-community partnerships, crime prevention, and neighborhood camaraderie. While the one night is certainly not an answer to crime, drugs and violence, National Night Out represents the kind of spirit, energy and determination to help make neighborhoods a safer place year round. The night celebrates safety and crime prevention successes and works to expand and strengthen programs for the next 364 days.”
We invite you to participate in one of the many Atlanta neighborhood National Night Out events on August 5th. It is another way you can make your home and neighborhood a safer place.